While I was pondering a good topic for our post today?.which I will now save for Sunday, I received an interesting email from a PHD candidate at the Stony Brooke University in New York.
How they came across my name and email is topic for another post on blogging and marketing fundamentals, but the gentleman asked for my assistance in posting a link to what I think is a pretty interesting survey.
Since I don?t usually post unsolicited Surveys, I took the survey myself. It took me about 12 minutes, but on average I am told it can take 15 to 20 minutes. I also went one further and wrote a comment in the survey asking if the survey was politically motivated or in support of one candidate vs another ?
I was pleasantly surprised to receive an almost immediate reply from Mr. Chris Weber who wrote:
“Hi Tom,
Thanks for taking the survey. I really appreciate it. I saw your note in the message section. As for your questions, no, the survey is not politically motivated. We are simply interested in gathering people’s emotional reactions to two political candidates. We don’t have a bias in favor of one candidate over another; and as I’m sure you noticed, the questions asked about Hillary Clinton are the exact same questions that are asked in reference to John McCain.
We originally wanted to use the two front-running candidates, but given the closeness on the Democratic side, we chose Hillary since we figured people would be more familiar with her. The purpose of the survey is mainly methodological. There’s a lot of controversy in political science about how to measure people’s emotions about political figures. The survey randomly assigns people to one of three conditions, which only differ in how emotion questions are asked. Our interest isn’t so much in specific emotions pertaining to these two candidates, but rather, how to best measure emotional reactions to any political candidate, Democrat, Republican, or Independent. Let me know if you have any other questions.”
The purpose of this survey is to examine how people think and feel about the political issues, parties, and candidates in the upcoming election. In the survey, you will be asked a series of questions about two political candidates, John McCain and Hillary Clinton. We are very interested in how individuals that find information on the web think about politics, and your participation would be greatly appreciated. In total, the survey should take about 15 minutes to complete. The survey is completely anonymous and you can skip any questions you do not wish to answer.
Click on the image here to take the survey:
Please feel free to contact Chris Weber (crweber@notes.cc.sunysb.edu) at Stony Brook University with any questions or concerns. Thanks for your help!
If you can’t open a browser from clicking on the image you can copy and past the following into your browser:
I will be sure to post a follow up link to the results that I am sure Chris will copy me on when they are in.