I actually found this video while looking at the 1000 Watt Blog as I was waiting on hold for customer support for over an hour for something that has in my mind been broken. You may notice that I have not been posting on as regular a basis as I had anticipated for the New Year, This is due in large part to my hosting service company having major technical issues that they cannot seem to get resolved. Anyways less I digress here, the relation to Real Estate is really very apropos.
As Marc Davison comments on his Blog ? Why not fix what isn’t broken? Would that not be a great way to gain advantage over the masses embracing complacency? ?
Take a look at the Video below:
OK, I am experiencing technical difficulties at the moment that prevent me from directly posting the video (embedding) so I have to post the link instead. After you view the video please continue with the rest of the post
Now that you have seen this?most people look at this and ?say ,wow what a neat idea!