As the DOJ case against NAR enters into a critical path this summer, the DOJ is starting to take aim at other players in the MLS game. This is only the beginning and it is very apparent to many, that NAR’s iron fisted rule on the MLS will not come out of this unscathed.
Having interacted with over a hundred of the top MLS’s through the United States I can say from my perspective, that this is going to be welcomed with open arms for those wanting to open this up to the masses and to help create a free and unfettered access to this data. The way it has been controlled has got to change. The times and the technologies brought to bear in today’s digital world that we live in are also changing and this is another one of those changes that is coming soon to an MLS Board near you.
Barry Cunnigham over at the Blood Hound Blog wrote a great post on the latest foray into this battle The War Against The MLS Continues | The MLS Must Fall!.
It is worth reading and before you comment, you should arm yourself with the knowledge of actually reading the content of the complaints as filed by the DOJ (links are in the posts – his and mine). Also, be sure to check out the article I wrote back in February 2007 that goes into more background and details on this. MLS Data compliance and NAR vs. DOJ
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